Sunday, December 22, 2013

Izzy, Amanda, & Anne | Fur Babie's First Xmas


Christmas so happens to be one of my favorite times of year.  Holiday portraits make me feel all warm and fuzzy just like the star of this photo session. Introducing Izzy!  The cutest little muffin pup in the world.  I think she semi-counts as a little sister because she is my best friend Amanda's fur sister and we are sisters from different misters so technically.....Izzy is my 1/4 sizzy? (HA!)Anywho, Anne (my best friends mother)  asked me to photograph Izzy and Amanda for the holidays in exchange for an old record player I asked to buy from her.  I was so on board!

We scheduled a day that worked for all of us and I was so excited because I hadn't photographed my bff in a while and I could now add some holiday photos to my portfolio.

The day of the session I woke up and discovered......IT WAS SNOWING!!  Really?? It's was like the session was meant to be! I was so excited.

When I arrived at Amanda's house she looked like a porcelain Christmas Princess doll.  Her fair skin was complimented by perfect red lips and sparkling blue eyes.

Izzy was cute as could be and excited to play outside and Mama Anne's blue eyes were bright as can be! 

This session was super quick and easy. I learned that photographing dogs is not like photographing cats. And photographing puppies is not like photographing dogs.  Puppies like to move.....ALOT!

Luckily I was able to get some great shots of Izzy and her fam.

I can't wait to take more holiday photographs next year :)




  1. Wow... VERY nice Karissa! I may have to hit you up in future years to start doing my holiday photos!
