Friday, June 29, 2012

To photog or not to photog? Following a dream.

As I’ve grown older I’ve realize more and more that so many people are living lives they don’t want and have jobs they hate.  Well, not me people!  After years of uncertainty, I’m so thrilled to have finally made a solid decision about where I want my life to take me.  Photography is my passion and being a professional photographer is my dream.  How does one accomplish their dream? With confidence and hard work I suppose.  These are things I am willing to do to have the life that I want.  Why photography and why now?  Well, let’s take a trip back to where it all began …..(Enter cheesy background montage music)  

In high school I thought I wanted to go into fashion then realized it wasn’t something I wanted.  I graduated, went to community college and decided to get a degree in general studies, and then liberal arts…. and then I switched to photography…..AND THEN social science.  CLEARLY, I had no idea what direction I wanted to go with life.  I had so many interests and also a lot of self doubt.  Photography was something I really wanted to do, but I had some people in my ear telling me that I should probably find something else to fall back on, while others were encouraging.  I also had my own inner demons that I could never be good enough where people would actually pay me to take their pictures. PFFT, me?  Yea right!  I still had mini photo shoots with some of my friends just for funsies, but nothing professional.  I took my cheap little point and shoot with me everywhere and took pictures of everything.  I decided that even if I wasn’t going to be a professional photographer, it could still be a hobby.  

Although my dreams were crushed, I decided I still wanted to work with people and I took a psychology class as an extracurricular and fell in love.  I figured, hmm being a psychologist seems like a job no one could give me any lip about. I’m interested in it, it’s in demand, why not?  And so, young Karissa graduated from community college with an associates in social science with psychology specialization.
I then transferred to Longwood University (Go Lancers!), a small liberal arts college where I pursued my BS in Psychology.  I had a blast in college.  I loved the psychology department and don’t regret any experience I had as a psychology major.  

Throughout college I began offering my services to friends to take senior portraits and event photos.  One of my first events was taking photos for my best friends sorority’s date party.  It was a blast!  I had so much fun.  I also volunteered for an art program that worked with “at risk” children and taught them photography.  It was a lot of fun and I got to combine psychology with photography. Then I took photos for a friend and her boyfriend before a ball they attended, and from there I was taking senior portraits, then engagement photos, and I got asked to do a wedding.  I was thrilled!  I thought:  Hmm, if only I could do this forever, but no, I will be a psychologist….maybe…an art therapist!  That way I could incorporate both. 

Long story short, I put my dream aside and got through college (which was also a dream of mine!) and here I am.  After applying to multiple psychology jobs and secretly hoping I wouldn’t get any call backs (horrible, I know) I’ve decided that I don’t want to be stuck.  I don’t want a job that…I DON’T WANT.  I WANT to be a photographer. And why shouldn’t I be?  I think I’m good, my friends and family think I’m good,  I’ve been paid by strangers! Screw it! I WILL BE A FREAKIN PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER.   (Obviously the music has changed at this point…enter something climactic!)

I’ve always wanted a job where I could meet a) new people, b) use my creativity, c) travel, d) take photos and e) make people feel confident.  Being a photographer is just TOO perfect for that. 
So here I am. Decision made.  This is the beginning of something that I think will be big.  I may be in over my head starting my own little business, but at least I’m trying.  I could be naïve, I could be overly ambitious, but I’m passionate and willing to work hard.  So, here’s hoping!